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Mousehole   The end of the Spring Term

Posted 28/03/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

A terrific end of term has been had here in Mousehole class! We have had fun using our Myth writing skills to create a completely different Myth, we have learnt about perimeter and rounded up our learning on Holy week in RE. The children thoroughly enjoyed our DT morning where they made their moving monsters. They are coming home today to be enjoyed-can your child explain how they work? In PE, we used a map of the school grounds to navigate in orienteering. 

Check out our awesome cross country runners with their medals and our superstar readers of the week below:

Have a super Easter break everyone!


Tregantle   Happy Easter!

Posted 28/03/2024
by Katie Grinsted

End of Term!

What a busy end to a super spring term! We really focused our efforts on finishing our polar bears to complete our ‘what do we know about ice and snow?’ topic. With the mod rock models dry, the children carefully painted them and used marker pen to add the details of the bears' faces and claws. They have turned out brilliantly and Tregantle team are delighted that we have been asked to display them at the front of the school!

All the rain has been perfect for our science learning on weather. We have been able to measure the rain collected every day in our rain gauges and were amazed with how much we collected! By the end of the week we had 6cm!

The EYFS children have been really focused in maths and have been using a part, whole model to show how numbers can me represented. They used the numicon to shows their ideas. We have welcomed some of our nursery friends this week who will be joining Tregantle Class after the holidays. Everyone has been very welcoming and showed great kindness in helping them to settle in.

We wish you a very happy and restful Easter break, from Tregantle team!


Lantic   Week ending 28.04.24

Posted 27/03/2024
by Helen King

Happy Easter Everyone!

We made it!  For such a short term, it seemed to last forever...

But now is the time to relax with your loved ones (and try not to eat too much chocolate!).  The children have earnt a well deserved break... see you all on the 15th April.

More signs of Spring.

Our Runner Beans have grown so much in the last few weeks, they are now
ready to go home with the children so that they can plant then on. 

Hopefully, they'll produce lots of lovely, tasty beans to eat!

Polar Bears on Patrol

We finished our polar bears this week.  We spent the last few weeks
creating these amazing sculptures out of Modroc and finally we painted
on the finishing touches... We think they look fantastic, you will be able
to have a look at them and some more of our work which will be on
display in the Reception lobby after the break.


Talland   Week ending 22.03.24

Posted 22/03/2024
by David Parry

Digital photography

During this half term's focus on photography, the children have developed their photography skills in areas such as angle, light and position. This week, the children have consolidated the skills they have learned to create a mixed media picture. In this case (look at the photograph), a close-up photograph of a flower has been taken and it has been digitally enhanced with virtual drawing tools.


The children of Talland Class have now almost completed their own explanation text in reference to coastal erosion. They have included particular types of erosion which included water and wind erosion. During the writing process, all children have used a variety of sentence style to enhance it and some are confidently using the colon (:) in their writing. Well done, Talland Class.


Perseverance, hard work and dedication has finally helped the children's confidence in using fractions. They can now multiply a simple fraction with a whole-number and easily explain the method they are using. Thank you, Talland Class.

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:
Why did the lion spit out the clown?  Because he tasted funny!

What is 'out of bounds'? An exhausted kangaroo!


Head's Blog  

Posted 22/03/2024
by Suzanne Cooper

The penultimate week to the Spring term has been a busy and varied one.
Today, we were delighted to welcome the Minack Theatre back to Brunel to celebrate Shakespeare Week. A group of children (chosen from each class across KS2) enjoyed taking part in a workshop based on 'A Midsummer's Night's Dream'. Which was both great fun and thoroughly inspiring. Miss Pentreath, our English Lead, reported that: 'The children came back 'buzzing' with positivity and excitement and said how 'amazing, fun and, in parts, hilarious' it was. They thought that it had helped to build their confidence and they enjoyed being able to act as different characters and learn Shakespearean language!' The children of Y6 agreed and said that the team were brilliant, really made them laugh and that they'd had the best morning. Many thanks to the Minack team for coming such a long way to visit, educate and entertain us.
Yesterday a group of pupils from Y5 enjoyed taking part in the Bridge Schools Trust Alternative Sports Day. They took part in a variety of new activities, including Street Surfing, Fencing, Mini Segways and Ultimate Frisbee. Please see our Facebook page for photos. We hope to bring some of these events to Brunel in the near future.
Every fortnight we have special 'Reading' assemblies in for EYFS/KS1 and KS2, where we share carefully chosen stories that act as 'mirrors' or 'widows' for the pupils. Books are mirrors when readers see their own lives reflected in the pages. Books are windows when they allow readers a view of lives and stories that are different from their own. The stories up until now have been read by teachers but this week, one of our pupil reading pioneers read the KS2 book. She did an amazing job and we look forward to being treated to stories from other reading pioneers next term. Below are this week’s Achievers and Always Club. Congratulations and well done to all who were chosen.
Please remember that the last day of this term is next Thursday 28th March.


Issys Nursery   Outside

Posted 22/03/2024
by Ruth Smith

As the weather begins to pick up we are enjoying being able to get outside more.

The newer children are so happy to be able to explore, dig, climb, run and slide in the outdoor area, as well as sail across the oceans, if they wish!



Posted 22/03/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 22.3.24



Posted 22/03/2024
by Sara Mckillop

Online homework - due 19/3/24

Click here-


Tregantle   The Signs of Spring

Posted 21/03/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Heading into spring!

This week Tregantle Class have been exploring the signs of spring that we have been noticing in our environment. We finally had some dry days at school and even a little bit of sun shine at times! Our EYFS children have been learning the rhyme 'Mary had a little lamb' and finding out about the baby animals which are born in spring. They had a go at using their scissor skills to make their own 'little lambs' to go with the rhyme. 

The Year 1 children have been getting outside during their science lesson this week. They went on a spring walk around school and collected some colours of spring which they added to a sticky wrist band. It was wonderful to see new life popping up everywhere! This linked with their learning about the Easter story. The Year 1 children have been re-telling the Easter story using lots of the special vocabulary that we have learnt. 
As we know spring time means plenty of rain showers, so we continued our science lesson by making rain gauges. The children cut a plastic bottle in half and put the top half inside the bottom half. They then pushed them into the ground where they will collect rain water over the coming months. We are looking forward to checking them next week to measure how much rain has fallen. In preparation for this, Tregantle Class have used their maths lessons this week to learn how to measure accurately with a ruler and read scales. This skill will be necessary when measuring the rain in our water gauges next week. 
We've had great fun in English learning some performance poems. The children have learnt a really funny poem about animal babies - perhaps they would like to perform it for you at home!


Mousehole   Fun pneumatics!

Posted 21/03/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

In DT we have been learning and investigating pneumatic systems. The fun of investigating has led us to our design stage this week. Next week we will be creating our moving monsters (our mythical beasts of the Tamar which we have also been writing about in English!). Can your child tell you how their design will work?


Lantic   Week ending 22.03.24

Posted 20/03/2024
by Helen King

Will the rain stop soon...?

Hopefully not! Next week we need some rain for our Science lesson but then we've probably had enough (just in time for our Easter Break...)

This week we have finally finished our version of the 'Poles Apart' story - we really enjoyed coming up with new places to visit and animals to meet.  This week also saw the official start of Spring so in Science we took a walk around the grounds to look for any signs of spring - maybe you could go out and about this weekend and find some for yourselves?

We also painted out Polar Bear sculptures - they are beginning to look grrrreatttt!  And we learnt about the Easter Story and why it's an important time for Christians - just in time for the holidays.  Our Maths lessons have moved on to Length and Height, so we've been starting to measure things using cm's and m's. I wonder who is the tallest in the class... maybe we can measure our height to find out!? In History we used primary sources of evidence to ask questions about the Titanic and the experiences that her passengers had on that fateful voyage...


Talland   Week ending 15.03.24

Posted 17/03/2024
by David Parry

A day in the life of a farm vet.

A day in the life of a farm vet was just one activity the children participated in during our Science Week.

Talland Class have had so much fun learning about many aspects of science which included AI intelligence, robots, insects and animals. It was fabulous to see the children's science skills - exploration, prediction, evaluation, explanation - being used and enhanced throughout the week. The children have been amazing!

best wishes,

Mr Parry, Mrs Swabey and the Talland Class team (Mrs Walters and Ms Rowlands)

This week's jokes:

How do you cut the sea in half?
 With a 'sea-saw'!

Why was the bee's hair sticky?  ...because he used a honey-comb!




Posted 15/03/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 15.3.24

We have really Science week this week! The theme for Science week was 'Time'. 

We took part in several Live Lessons - one from 'TechSheCan' about how transport had changed over time and we looked at future jobs in Transport Technology, like designing driverless cars or rocket ships! We went Live to the farm to find out about how animals change over time and how our perceptions of farming have changed too. We also watched a BBC Live Lesson about Minibeasts who change over time - like caterpillars to butterflies - or creatures that live for hundreds of years and are absolutely everywhere - Tardigrades - and bugs who've been around since the big bang and would probably survive another one - cockroaches! Wow!

In Science / DT this week, we learned more about Pneumatics and were really excited to learn how to make a syringe rocket! We had them shooting all over the place, mainly at the teachers!

Finally, we ended the week with Red Nose Day. We dressed in our finest red outfits and wrote some amazing jokes! Check out our Padlet to read some - they'll definitely make you smile!


Seaton   Week ending 15th March 2024

Posted 15/03/2024
by Joanna Morris

Science Week

The whole of Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy have been fortunate enough to spent time in Saltash Library participating in various science based talks and activities as part of national Science Week.

Year 6 listened to a talk based on nanotechnology and how this area of science is aiming to help diagnose cancers before they have a detrimental impact on the person’s health. We were able to look at synthetic skin and various data chips that were made via a nanomicroscope and nanolaser in a lab. We also leanrt about various Nobel Prize winner for thier work in science and nanotechnology imparticular. It has really got us all thinking about the tiny things in life and how they can have a huge impact!


Pendower   Week ending 15th March 2024

Posted 15/03/2024
by Joanna Morris

Science Week

The whole of Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy have been fortunate enough to spent time in Saltash Library participating in various science based talks and activities as part of national Science Week.

Year 6 listened to a talk based on nanotechnology and how this area of science is aiming to help diagnose cancers before they have a detrimental impact on the person’s health. We were able to look at synthetic skin and various data chips that were made via a nanomicroscope and nanolaser in a lab. We also leanrt about various Nobel Prize winner for thier work in science and nanotechnology imparticular. It has really got us all thinking about the tiny things in life and how they can have a huge impact!


Tregantle   Spectacular Science!

Posted 15/03/2024
by Katie Grinsted

Science Week

What an exciting week we’ve had taking part in Brunel’s science week. We started the week with an experiment involving skittles. We added water to a circle of skittles and watched carefully as the dye ran off the sweets to make a rainbow of colours. On Tuesday we took part in a live science event which focused on insects. We learnt all about the different parts of an insect’s body and how they grow and change. On Wednesday we planeted beans in a freezer bag with a wet paper towel. We can already see some tiny shoots creeping out of the bean seeds. On Thursday it was a trip to the library to take part in a science workshop. We explored moving robots, microscopes and even looked at how electricity works. The children have been so curious and questioning about the world around them. What a brilliant week!


Mousehole   Science Week Fun!

Posted 12/03/2024
by Joanne Pentreath

What fun we are having on Science week with Live lessons, quizzes, competitions and an interactive and investigative visit to Saltash library where we have had such fun. Can your child tell you more? Just look at the smiles in the photos!


Lantic   Week ending 15.03.24

Posted 12/03/2024
by Helen King

Science Week Goes On...

We had a great start to Science Week on Monday
when we went to Saltash Library for a Science Workshop -
we really enjoyed using the microscope to look really
closely at different rocks.  We loved maneuvering the
different robots around the workshop space, it was great fun!


In our Science lesson we continued to think about climate change and what we can do to help reduce it.  So we planted some beans (in bags!) to help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

As part of Science Week, the children also took part in an online workshop from the National Farmers Union.  In this session they learnt about all the different jobs that farmers do over the course of a day.  They learnt about what they need to do to look after new born lambs and calves, how they feed them and grow food to feed them too. At the end they learnt that the farmers are just planting pumpkin seeds now ready for Halloween! 

Some of the different things that the children said they learnt were that pumpkins come from the flower of the plant; that they gave calves powdered milk formula; that they grow their own food and that they start growing pumpkins now (they didn't know that they took so long to grow!!).

Finally, we ended the week feeling a little bit funny... for Comic Relief! 

The children told some really side-splitting jokes with their friends and the best joke (hard to pick one!) was told to the whole school during our Achievers Assembly.

Can you think of any more jokes to tell your friends?



Posted 11/03/2024
by Sara Mckillop

World Book Day 2024

We have really enjoyed World Book Day this year!

Not only have we dressed up, but we have enjoyed reading in random places, joining a group and listening to a different adult reading a story, a character book hunt (featuring the teachers!), a footy booky quiz and a great author show LIVE from Michael Rosen.

What a super day to celebrate our love of books!



Posted 11/03/2024
by Sara Mckillop

w/e 8.3.24

Dear Parents,

I am writing to you directly on this week's blog entry, as we have had very disappointing homework numbers coming in recently. This week, for instance, only 9 children out of 30 returned their maths homework book. About as many said they had practiced their spellings and only 3 children had read every night. These are the only pieces of homework we ask children to do at home, as we believe in relaxing as much as possible at home! 

Homework is a key component of our curriculum as it reinforces the concepts learned in school and promotes discipline. I’m reaching out to discuss our current homework policy and provide some insights to help your children obtain the maximum benefit from their homework assignments.

Homework Expectations

1. Consistency: It’s important for homework to be a regular, predictable part of your child’s routine. Homework comes home on a Friday after marking, and isn't due in until the following Friday, so can be done over the weekend or of an evening, whichever suits best. Spellings and readings should be completed 5x a week, so again, you could avoid the weekends.

2. Duration: The amount of time students should spend on homework will vary, but a general guideline is approximately 10 minutes per day on spellings, 20 minutes per day reading and maybe 20-30 minutes on the maths workbook per week.

3. Support: While students are encouraged to complete their homework independently, your role in creating a supportive environment cannot be overstated.

Ways You Can Help

1. Establish Routines: Setting a specific time and place for homework can instill good study habits. A distraction-free zone is also critical for maintaining focus.

2. Encourage Proper Planning: Teaching children to prioritise tasks and manage their time can alleviate the stress of last-minute rushes.

3. Communicate: If you notice that your child is consistently taking too long to complete homework tasks, or struggling with certain concepts, please reach out. We can then collaborate to find strategies that work best for your child.

In Year 4 especially, there is a huge focus on times tables. Your child will sit their Year 4 Multiplication Check in June 2024. Use these resources to practice some more at home please: - children have their own login for this

Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education.
Mrs McKillop


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