Class Blog for Talland Y5

w.b. 23rd September 

Bodmin Jail: Crime and punishment

This week has seen a continuation of our fantastic violin and cricket sessions.

In English, we have started writing our biographies about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The children are working hard to apply their skills in varying sentence starts, write using formal language and include an abundance of both fact and opinion.

We have been making our way through Place Value in maths; focussing on ordering and comparing numbers to one million this week. Our KIRFs for this half term are to be able to double and half numbers to 100. Don't forget, there are lots of suggested practice activities on a previous blog post.

Our busy week culminated in an incredibly exciting and informative trip to Bodmin Jail. Our guide, Gemma, took us through the 'Dark Walk' first; an interactive, immersive experience detailing why some of Bodmin Jail's previous inmates were imprisoned. We found out about smugglers, vagrants, murderers and thieves - all part and parcel of Cornwall's history. We then got to experience what jail conditions were like throughout the ages, focussing on the prison reforms of Victorian times. Finally, we had the option of finding out more about how prisoners, who were sentenced to the ultimate fate of hanging, were treated, along with the role of the executioner. Who knew that so much maths was involved in revolutionising hanging!


w/e 20th September 

A spot of cricket anyone?

This week, Talland class have been incredibly busy with not one, but two, extra PE sessions this week. We are immensely lucky to have 'Cricket Chris' instructing us as part of the 'Time to Shine' program. After an assembly introducing the basic physical and life skills we would be covering, we began with catching and bowling this week. The progress the children have made, even in a couple of hours, has been vast - who knows, we may have a future England player in our midst!

In art, we are studying the work of William Morris (linking with our big question, 'Were the Victorians Really Vile?'). This week the children were tasked with making careful observations of some of Morris's most famous designs and simplifying them. They then took their inspiration from nature closer to home - around the school grounds! We went on an observation walk; picking up interesting leaves and fallen flowers, as well as taking photos of trees, flowers and leaves that we thought we particularly pleasing to the eye. Back in the classroom, we created simplistic outline sketches of some of these items and images, preparing to transform them into a printing block design in the next couple of weeks. We were very taken with the hydrangea shown above - we liked the outline shape of each set of petals. Check back next week to see a sneak preview of some of our designs so far...


w/e 13th September 

What a week!

Talland class have had a fantastic first full week! As well as demonstrating some excellent Issy Manners, they have been working hard to follow our class rules and exercise their British Values by electing the new House Captains. Last week we voted for School Councillors - take a look at our Talland representatives V and K.

In English we have been finding out all about our school's namesake - Brunel. Ask your children what fascinating facts they found out about him. We will start to write these into a biography next week.

In maths we have began by learning the place value within numbers to 1,000,000. We've also been practising our 8 times table during our Minimaths afternoon sessions.

Excitingly, we had our second violin session with Sally this week; progressing to holding and using the bow! She was very complimentary about their rhythm and musicality.

We can't wait to see what the next week brings!


KIRFs are kicking off! 

Games Night is Back!

This half term's Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) for maths can be found in the document below. KIRFs are carefully planned and considered for each year group, right from Nursery through to Year 6 in order to provide our students with an increased speed, fluency and confidence with core number facts, which are the very foundation of their maths learning.

At Brunel, we think maths is far from boring! There are lots of exciting and fun ways to practise and learn these facts; take a look in the document below to find a variety of ideas, resources and online links.

What's more - you are invited to Brunel's half-termly Games Night! Join us on Thursday to play a wide range of family favourites: board games, card games, puzzles and more... All of these will help to sharpen maths skills, whilst having fun: it's win-win!

Everyone is welcome: all year groups, friends and family. There will be refreshments available for children.

During the evening, teachers will be available to be challenged to a game or two, as well as answer any questions about your child's KIRFs and maths learning. 
FREE resources will also be available to take away in order to help children to practise their KIRFs at home.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

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Welcome to Talland

We hope you have had a wonderful summer holiday.

The year 5 team are looking forward to welcoming the children back into school this week. We have some fun and exciting learning planned this term, including trips to Bodmin Jail and the Bridging the Tamar Heritage Centre (more details to follow) which coincide effectively with our topic: Were the Victorians Really Vile?

Please find our knowledge web below which includes more details of the learning in our topic.

We'd like to also remind you that the 'Welcome the Teacher Meeting' date is Wednesday 11th September at 3:15pm in Talland class. It will be a brief 'hello' from our team, a chance for you to find out more about our topics this year, as well as answer any questions you may have.

Best wishes,
Mrs Swabey, Mr Parry, Mrs Walters, Mrs Payne and Miss Rowlands

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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Brunel is an Ofsted graded 'GOOD' school with 'OUTSTANDING' Personal Development and Early Years Provision - click here to see the full report

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