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Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Religious Education with Reverend Ben

Posted 11/02/2025
by Laura Cole

On Tuesday we had a visit from Reverend Ben to all our classes.
In Class 3 they talked about science vs creation, the children grilled him with their theological questions and Mr Hodgins asked about the meaning of life.

Class 2 looked at 'Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’? They were able to make links between the Gospel texts and how Christians mark the Easter events in their church communities.

Class 1 explored 'Which stories are special and why?' They looked at what people believe and the difference this makes to how they live.


Duloe C of E Primary Academy   Out of this world - Art

Posted 11/02/2025
by David Hannah

Mr Hodgins hosted a TEAMs call where he taught Class 3 how to scan an image on the photocopier, the children will then use software to alter and adapt them. Their scanned images will be used to create a piece of artwork which can be used as part of a wider presentation about the planets in the solar system.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Safer Internet Day

Posted 11/02/2025
by Zoe Thompson


St Cleer Primary Academy   Online Safety Day 2025

Posted 11/02/2025
by Michele Spencer

Thank you to Mr Lewis for leading our assemblies this week. We were set challenges across the day to explore who our trusted adults are, our top tips for staying safe online and what to do if we are playing a game and we receive messages/click bait. We also thoroughly enjoyed 3/4A's rap - 'Stay Safe, Safe'! The children in KS2 in particular were very knowledgeable of what they can do to keep themselves safe online and all of KS1 and EYFS were able to share who their trusted adults are and how they help them stay safe. An email has gone out to parents with more information about online safety to help at home too. 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 10/02/2025
by Sara McKillop


Copper valley Junior Academy   Week ending 7th February 2025

Posted 09/02/2025
by Lynn Cox

Latest Head's Blog

At the end of last week some of our Year 3 and Year 4 took place in part in a multi skills festival. They all reported back that they had a great time and they represented the school fantastically.
Last week the Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 were treated to a special assembly about rivers and science - delivered by two scientists (Alice and Reg) from Exeter University. The children learnt about the ways in which scientists test water quality in order to keep our river water safe. The Year 4 class are going to be taking part in a Freshwater Monitoring project with a focus on the River Tamar in Gunnislake.
Congratulations also to a group of our Y4 children  who represent the Junior school in the Bridge Dodgeball Tournament at Callywith College. Mrs Hannaford and Mrs Pearce, who accompanied them to the tournament, were so impressed with the ways in which they showed excellent sportsmanship throughout the competition. Mrs Hannaford also accompanied our mixed football team to the Arena tournament in Callington where they lost one match and drew the other. Fantastic effort to all!
Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 learnt some of the important basics of First Aid this week. They learnt how to operate a defibrillator and perform CPR-. They were rewarded with some lovely certificates, which were presented during Friday's celebration assembly.
Thank you to all of you who sent in your unwanted clothes for the Bag2School initiative. We raised £30! Thank you also to those of you who have already signed up on the Easy Fundraising website every time you shop online through this website you will make money for both schools and it won't cost you a penny extra!
We are collecting Easter egg donations for the children in Petrykivka, Ukraine. If you are able to donate an egg then can you send it into school by 26th February.
Wow are now collecting any unwanted items for a Jumble Sale to be held in the Junior base on Saturday 8th March.
A reminder that Friday 14th February is an INSET day and the school will not be open for pupils on that day.


Copper Valley Infant and Nursery Academy   Week Ending 7th February 2025

Posted 09/02/2025
by Lynn Cox

Latest Head's Blog

At the end of last week some of our Year 3 and Year 4 took place in part in a multi skills festival. They all reported back that they had a great time and they represented the school fantastically.
Last week the Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 were treated to a special assembly about rivers and science - delivered by two scientists (Alice and Reg) from Exeter University. The children learnt about the ways in which scientists test water quality in order to keep our river water safe. The Year 4 class are going to be taking part in a Freshwater Monitoring project with a focus on the River Tamar in Gunnislake.
Congratulations also to a group of our Y4 children  who represent the Junior school in the Bridge Dodgeball Tournament at Callywith College. Mrs Hannaford and Mrs Pearce, who accompanied them to the tournament, were so impressed with the ways in which they showed excellent sportsmanship throughout the competition. Mrs Hannaford also accompanied our mixed football team to the Arena tournament in Callington where they lost one match and drew the other. Fantastic effort to all!
Pupils from Year 5 and Year 6 learnt some of the important basics of First Aid this week. They learnt how to operate a defibrillator and perform CPR-. They were rewarded with some lovely certificates, which were presented during Friday's celebration assembly.
Thank you to all of you who sent in your unwanted clothes for the Bag2School initiative. We raised £30! Thank you also to those of you who have already signed up on the Easy Fundraising website every time you shop online through this website you will make money for both schools and it won't cost you a penny extra!
We are collecting Easter egg donations for the children in Petrykivka, Ukraine. If you are able to donate an egg then can you send it into school by 26th February.
Wow are now collecting any unwanted items for a Jumble Sale to be held in the Junior base on Saturday 8th March.
A reminder that Friday 14th February is an INSET day and the school will not be open for pupils on that day.


St Cleer Primary Academy   Bridge Schools Dodgeball Tournament 2025

Posted 09/02/2025
by Michele Spencer

Well done to our fantastic 6 who competed excellently at the Dodgeball tournament on Thursday. The team were able to enjoy the sports facilities at Callywith College and managed 3rd place out of 13 schools! We are very proud of you all for showing our school values throughout each game. Congratulations!


Polperro Primary Academy   Week ending Friday 7th February

Posted 07/02/2025
by Helen Fitzsimmons

Hello Everyone,

We have enjoyed a variety of learning tasks which have helped to improve our wellbeing in Penhallow. After watching a clip from the film ‘Inside Out’ we were able to name and describe different feelings and emotions. We  read the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and created feelings jars using colours which helped to describe different feelings. We also learnt a song, linked to these ideas. The children’s vocabulary has really improved throughout these activities. 

We have all been really proud of our reception children recently, who are beginning to write their own words and captions, using their recently acquired phonic knowledge. We even caught some children writing for fun during choosing time. Well done reception!

Year 1 have been working very hard in maths this week, adding and subtracting numbers to 20. They have been using number lines and drawing on their knowledge of number facts to represent their knowledge in different ways. We have written fact families using addition and subtraction and used bar models and part while models to record number sentences.

During our Geography lesson this week, we went outside to observe different forms of clouds. We located different areas of the UK on a map, and learnt about seasons and weather patterns in the UK.

We all had a lovely end to our week, with a day of birdwatching, yoga, and outdoor learning. All of this, combined with a fascinating visit from a Hindu lady, who brought in a huge selection of artefacts which helped us to understand her religion and beliefs, has made sure that we have had a very varied and interesting week.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

From the Penhallow team.


Pelynt Primary Academy   Week Ending Friday 7th February 2025

Posted 07/02/2025
by Joanna Rickard

Our book this week ‘All through the night’ explored the jobs that keep a city running and ready for the next day.  We discovered nurses, doctors, police officers, delivery workers and cleaners through this beautifully illustrated picture book to help us understand that many people still go out to work when we are asleep in our homes.  

The children enjoyed some doctors and nurse role play with our tuff tray becoming a medical table for the poorly babies.  Lots of bandages and plasters were applied and medicine given and we are pleased all babies are now very healthy!  

We had some grand conversations around the types of jobs there are, and who could recognise what they were from the uniforms or what vehicle they were in.  We were very impressed with how many job roles were known.  

We enjoyed discovering what an X-ray was and even had a go at our own X-ray art that the children found very entertaining as we had to spray their arms with paint! 

There has been lots of outside play in this sunny but rather chilly weather, please ensure your child comes to pre-school with a warm coat to ensure they enjoy their outside play as much as possible.

We can’t quite believe how fast this half term has gone, with next week being our final week before half term break.  

A reminder that Thursday is our last day with Friday being an Inset day for both pre-school and school. 

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend, 

The Pre-school Team.  



Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Small, medium and large

Posted 07/02/2025
by Ruth Smith

As part of our learning this week we have been looking at sizes.

In our focus story, Goldilocks came across bowls of porridge, chairs and beds that were small, medium and large so the children were tasked to find different resources or parts of the activities where they could compare and find different sizes.

We talked about other words to describe small (tiny, little, minute), medium (middle sized) and large (huge, enormous, gigantic, massive); we also talked abut how the size of something could change if we compared the item to other things that were smaller or larger.


Polruan Primary Academy  

Posted 07/02/2025
by Jane Wills

Children's Mental Health Week

This week, we have taken part in Children’s Mental Health Week. We have focussed on mindfulness and talked about how we can make ourselves feel calm. The sunshine has helped enormously with mood and a significant part of the responses from the children have been taling about how much they enjoy spending time outdoors.

On Tuesday afternoon, Canute class went to the beach to build sandcastles and Tregeagle class enjoyed their outdoor PE lesson for the first time in weeks without getting cold and wet. We were also joined by Reverend Allen who shared stories about the importance of feeling happy and content with the person you are. Children’s Mental Health Week is an important time to highlight the well-being of young minds, encouraging children to express themselves, build resilience, and develop positive coping strategies.

We had a fantastic end to the Mental Health Week with parents joining us on Friday afternoon. It was lovely to see so many families coming together to engage in mindfulness activities; a really powerful way to strengthen connections and promote calm, focus, and emotional awareness.

Achievement Assembly:

Mental Health Star of the Week:
Antonia for her relentless positivity and spreading joy and confidence among her peers.
Nya for always coming into school smiling and happy to join in with any activity.

Writer of the Week
Erin for working with focus, concentration and care to produce a great draft copy of her report.
Irina for really thinking about how to make her writing interesting and entertaining for the reader.


Blisland Primary Academy  

Posted 07/02/2025
by Andrew Smith

Blisland Blast Away Competition

On Thursday 6th February we attended the Bridge Schools Dodgeball Tournament at Callywith College. We were only allowed to take 6 children from Year 3 & 4, in order to make it a fair pick we put names in a hat and drew out 6 for the team. Our squad for the day was Todd, George, John, Harry, Cadan and Emma. We arrived at Callywith College and lined up along all the other teams. The tournament started off not so well with us losing the first game against Polperro, this seem to get our team fired up and they went on to win every game after that. We finished the 1st phase at the top of our group, this meant that we qualified to play in the play off for 1st and 2nd place. Our final game was against Looe who were the winners of the other group. We won the final game making us the Dodgeball Champions!!! Massive well done to the team, we are so proud of you all.

Gate opening times

A quick reminder that the school gate will be open from 8.30 -8.45am. Please ensure all pupils are dropped off as promptly as possible. After the gate is closed, parents will need to contact the school office using the buzzer. Staff will ensure the gate is manned between 8.30 and 8.45am but we are desperate to get back to supporting learning so please help us keep this process as efficient as possible.

Blisland Primary School’s Valentine’s Disco Fun!

The Valentine’s Disco was a fantastic afternoon full of fun, laughter, and celebration! Held at Blisland Village Hall, pupils enjoyed an exciting night of dancing, games, and friendly competition, making it a memorable event for everyone who attended. The dance floor was full of energy as pupils showed off their best moves to their favourite songs. From classic party tunes to the latest hits, everyone had a great time dancing with their friends and joining in with group dances. The atmosphere was filled with smiles and laughter as pupils celebrated Valentine’s Day together. Alongside dancing, there were plenty of fun games to enjoy. Bingo was a big hit, with pupils eagerly marking off their pictures in hopes of winning. "Pin the Kiss on the Frog" brought lots of giggles as blindfolded players tried their best to place their kiss in the right spot. One of the most exciting parts of the afternoon was the battle remote control cars, where pupils took turns racing and competing in thrilling head-to-head battles. A huge thank you to everyone who helped organise the event and to all the pupils for bringing so much enthusiasm! Keep an eye on our Facebook page for more photos from the night!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy  

Posted 07/02/2025
by Sara McKillop

we 7.2.25

What a brilliant week we have had in Daymer Class! The children have been working hard across all subjects, developing their skills and creativity in so many ways. Here’s a look at what we’ve been up to:

Monday’s St Anne’s visit celebrated Elmer’s birthday! 

English – Stories and Poetry
This week, the children edited and improved their adaptations of Stone Age Boy, showing great creativity and attention to detail. We also began our poetry unit by reciting poems in groups and as a class, building confidence and expression in our performances. It has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm for poetry growing!

Art – A Splash of Colour!
We started the week by immersing ourselves in the artwork of John Dyer. The children practised different artistic techniques in their sketchbooks before creating their own bright and colourful pieces of Daymer Bay. They worked so hard to capture the beauty of this iconic place while keeping to the Daymer theme. The results are stunning!

Number Day Fun!
Today, we celebrated Number Day by becoming Times Tables Rock Stars for the NSPCC!

History – Trading in the Bronze and Iron Age

In History, we explored the concepts of trading, importing, and exporting during the Bronze and Iron Age. The children had a great time role-playing as traders, exchanging goods with their friends to create the perfect survival kit for the era. It was fantastic to see them thinking strategically and working collaboratively.

Children’s Mental Health Week
Throughout the week, we took part in various activities for Children’s Mental Health Week. From whole-school assemblies to class discussions, we focused on personal growth and self-reflection. We read The Colour Monster, which helped us think about our emotions. The children also shared thoughtful insights about how they can ‘grow’ in different ways.

Dance – A Performance to Remember!
Mr Woolner was delighted to watch the final dance pieces that the children have been working on. Their teamwork, effort, and commitment to perfecting their routines were truly impressive!

Computing – Exciting Coding Projects

·       Year 3 have been coding on Scratch, creating sequences and variables to make music. They have really enjoyed experimenting with different sounds and functions!

·       Year 4 have been working with Micro:bits, designing step counters, night lights, and emotion badges. Their creativity and problem-solving skills have shone through!

Science – The Power of the Sun
In Science, we explored the effects of sunlight and how it can damage our skin and eyes. The children were fascinated by this topic and had great discussions about how we can protect ourselves from the sun.

A Celebration of Art Week
We ended the week by enjoying a wonderful art display, showcasing the fantastic artwork created by classes across the school. The children loved seeing what their peers had produced and took great pride in their own work.

Thank you for your continued support. We hope you have a lovely weekend!


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Brunel Art Week

Posted 07/02/2025
by Katie Grinsted

Art, Numbers and Mental Heath

What a busy week we've had in Tregantle! We have been so immersed in creativity during our Brunel art week. The children of Tregantle have been studying several local artists who create pieces about the sea. We used this as inspiration to create wave scenes by tearing and layering pieces of paper. We added detail with felt tip pens and cotton bud painting. The final pieces are each unique and capture something of our beautiful coastline. It was wonderful to be able to share our art work with the community during our Brunel Art Gallery on Friday. 
We have also been taking part in lots of health and well being activities across the week in recognition of Children's mental health week. In Tregantle, we have focused on exploring our emotions. We have been using our star emojis to think about the emotions we experience and how they feel. 
On Friday we had lots of fun taking part in the NSPCC number day. We thought about why numbers are so important when we read the story 'Spinderella.' We found out that playing teams games is very difficult without being able to count! The children then thought about what numbers are special to them like birthdays, house numbers and how old we are. 


Polperro Primary Academy   Talland's Class Blog 7.2.25

Posted 07/02/2025
by Ben Heasman-Langley


We hope you've all had a tremendous week... we've had an absolute hoot! We've had children representing the school and competing in football matches, dodgeball tournaments and cross country competitions! Every child has done themselves and the school proud so a HUGE well done to these children! Not to mention, we've had the wonderful Tini in to speak about Hinduism to the children, which was incredibly insightful and so lovely to develop our learning about this culture and religion. After this, and to top it all off, we've had a lovely time today thinking about our well being. We began by finding some quantitative data for geography by conducting The Great Birdwatch where we found different types of birds that use our ecosystem. Then, the children took part in lots of fun activities like art, fire making, yoga and dancing. All in all, it's been a brilliant week!

CONGRATULATIONS to Heidi for earning her next badge in 99 club and WELL DONE to Tristan for being noticed this week for trying really hard with his learning and sharing a project with us that he has begun at home. The art he is producing is great and his story telling is highly engaging. Talland are excited to hear the next part!

That's all from us this week. We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Miss. Colton.

P.S. There will be no year 5 spellings this week as they are ahead of the game... YAY! They will have some fun with the year 5 and 6 statutory word list.



Polperro Primary Academy   7th February 2025

Posted 07/02/2025
by Anthea Hillman

This week we were fortunate to welcome to school Muhunthiny (Tinni) Sivasothy, a remarkable Hindu woman with an incredible passion for sharing her culture, beliefs, and values with others. During a special whole school assembly, she spoke about the key elements of Hinduism: about its rich history, its colourful festivals, and the deep spiritual traditions that are part of daily life for millions of Hindus around the world. Following the assembly, years 4-6 took part in a workshop designed to give students a deeper understanding of Hinduism. Tinni emailed to say that she had thoroughly enjoyed visiting the school saying ‘all the students focused well, were enthusiastic to learn about Hinduism, were well behaved, and respectful.’ We were delighted to see how the children reflected on what they had learned, asking thoughtful questions and sharing their thoughts on the experience.

Children’s Mental Health Week
Wellbeing Morning
As part of Children’s Mental Health Week, today, staff and children had a wonderful morning outside taking part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch; toasting marshmallows around the fire in the school garden; practicing yoga and mindfulness and enjoying art activities involving nature. The children have asked that we have a wellbeing session every term which we intend to organize.

In addition to learning about mental health in class, on Tuesday, Rev Richard spoke about mental health in an assembly and how it is important to know yourself and recognise that there are things about yourself that may be different, but these things are an important part of who you are.

Football Success Congratulations to our football team who won 3-1 against Bishop Cornish School on Monday. Coach Langley said they played amazingly as a team, passing really well to each other.

Dodgeball Tournament Our year 3/year 4 team played very well yesterday at Callywith College against other Bridge schools, narrowly missing the final. Well done to all involved.

Upcoming dates
Reminder that Friday 14th February is an INSET day and half term is 17-21 February.

Have a lovely weekend.  

Mrs Hillman


Pelynt Primary Academy   Superstar Learners @ Pelynt

Posted 07/02/2025
by David Hannah

Lantic Class

In RE, Lantic class have been learning more about Judaism. They have found out about Shabbat and how Jewish people celebrate it and why it is important to them. In music, we have been singing different songs and practising strumming on the ukulele and focusing on keeping in time and keeping a steady beat. 

Talland Class

Talland class have been looking at watercolours and painting like a true artist. We have been using our mixing trays as an artist's palette, creating our colours before applying it to our paper.  

Lansallos Class

Over the last week, Lansallos Class have had a D.T focus.  They have researched, planned and started to make canopic jars following a specific design criteria. The children are excited to finish these next week. 


A team of 6 children from Pelynt travelled to Callywith College to take part in the annual Bridge Schools Dodgeball tournament. All 15 Bridge schools were represented and our team from Pelynt did an amazing job. The children showed great sportsmanship and played incredibly. A huge well done to them all for representing Pelynt so well. 


Looe Primary Academy  

Posted 07/02/2025
by Rebecca Hughes

Friday 7th February 

This week the children have been practicing lots of letter formation, in English. We have followed the story of Christopher Nibble and used pictures to identify key words and initial sounds. We then used those initial sounds to write letters using the correct formation.

In maths we have been exploring 6,7, and 8. We have been exploring 1 more and 1 less and also the composition of these numbers. The children are getting really great at learning what parts make a number!

In phonics we have explored the sounds oa and igh. /igh/ is our first trigraph and the children did amazingly well at reading words with this phoneme in.

As we still have our big question of: What can I explore today? We were lucky enough to explore Mrs Gregory’s giant African land snails this week. We looked at them closely and felt their shells. Mrs Gregory taught us so much about them.

On Thursday we had our Speak out, Stay safe assembly session. We explored ways in which we could be hurt and who we can speak to if we are scared and worried.  We explored this using the NSPCC and ‘buddy’ the speech bubble!

Today was Times Table Rock Star Day! Although the children in Foundation do not need to be able to recite their tables we do learn our 2’s ,5’s and 10 times table through song and chant them in class daily. We did this with an extra whoosh today in our rock star clothes and it was great!

Next week is our last week before half term. Next Friday is an INSET day.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Foundation Team 


Brunel Primary and Nursery Academy   Week ending 7.02.25

Posted 07/02/2025
by Helen King

Arty Week in Lantic

The children have had a great time producing artwork for our special Art Week at Brunel.  Our theme was 'Making Waves' and we are very proud of our final results!

We have been looking at poetry in English and next week we will be writing our own poems about the seasons.

During RE, we looked at how Christians share Jesus' 'Good News' and we shared our own news.


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