Class Blog for Pendower

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Week Ending 13th October 2023. 

The children of Pendower are - rightly so - very proud of the non-chronological reports they have been completing this week. Over the course of the half term, they have studied this particular focus in English lessons, read some good examples of non-chronological reports and then gone on to devise their own.

Their double page spreads are looking stunning and are crammed full of interesting facts and information about their very own mythical creature.

Be sure to see your child’s version when you come along to the Progress Meetings during the week beginning 6th November (please sign against your preferred time on the flipcharts/clipboards on your usual playground or driveway entrance or email).


Key Information:

* Half Term holiday starts on Friday 20th October – there is no school on this day due to staff training.

*Schools starts Monday 30th October.

*BFA planning meeting Monday 30th October 6pm – 7pm.

*Dress Bright for Bonfire Night, one of our annual non-uniform days. Friday 3rd November, voluntary donations of £1 which is payable via ParentPay.

*Thursday 9th November - Y5/6 cinema trip

*PE on Tuesdays – please be in appropriate school PE kit for the weather.

*Reading records to be signed and brought into school on a daily basis

*Maths homework to be complete and in school for marking every Wednesday

*Weekly spelling tests every Friday.


Week Ending 6th October 2023 

We have enjoyed reading about all the mythical beasts the children have created in their non-chronological reports. They have been busy drafting these all week. Next week, we will finish them and publish them as a final neat copy. We have a vast range of creatures which are hybrids of two animals found in real life. Ask your child to describe their brilliant beast to you.

In maths, we have been practicing long multiplication – it’s been a real challenge to master this complex process, but the children are showing real tenacity and working hard to become multiplication masters.

The most exciting thing this week has been the application forms for the Blue Peter Reading Badge. The children have been thinking carefully about which books they could write about. It has been a valuable experience for them to complete a form and focus carefully on presentation and content. Hopefully, we will be able to send off the applications next week and see how many badges are awarded.

Don’t forget, individual photos on Monday morning, put on your brightest smile :)

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs Cabello and Mrs Morris

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Week Ending 29th September 2023 

 We have crammed a lot into the last five days and have some lovely examples of the work Pendower have produced for you to enjoy.

In art, we have been studying the work of Leonardo Da Vinci and his mastery of drawing and painting. We then had a go at creating a sketch book page in his style based on various objects relating to our Saxon and Viking topic.

In history, we have mapped where the Anglo-Saxon invaders travelled from and the places in England that still have Saxon names such as Birmingham, Stowmarket and Bury.

Our science lessons have seen us studying the reflection of light, how light can travel around corners despite only traveling in straight lines and how this can be used in objects such as periscopes.

The very well-known Psalm 23 was discussed and dissected as part of our RE lesson with a focus on knowing God’s character through the lessons taught in this Biblical song. We also listened to a range of Christian worship music in a range of genres including hip-hop, pop and gospel.

Key dates

*Monday 9th October is individual pupil photos with Tempest.

*PE on Tuesdays – please be in appropriate school PE kit for the weather.

*Reading records to be signed and brought into school on a daily basis

*Maths homework to be complete and in school for marking every Wednesday

*Weekly spelling tests every Friday.


Week Ending 22nd September 2023 

We’ve had a fantastic few weeks in Pendower Class and we are really settling into life in Year 6.

In English, we have been studying the legend of Beowulf using the Michael Morpurgo version. We have enjoyed it so much we that we have chosen to carry on reading the next two legends in the book as our class text. We are keen to find out what happens to Beowulf, the hero.

Moving on from this well-known legend, we have started to compose a nonchronological report based on a hybrid creature that might have roamed the earth during the Saxon era. Watch out for updates about our crazy creatures and their diet, habitat, appearance and how they protect themselves.

Our maths at the moment is based on place value and then the four main operations: + - x ÷ These are essential mathematical skills that underpin a vast array of the maths curriculum and maths in everyday life. Please encourage your child(ren) to practice these life skills at home via their weekly maths homework and their KIRFs.

We have thrown ourselves into our new topic of ‘Would you rather be a Saxon or a Viking?’. We’ve created a historical timeline to understand the period of history we are focussing on. We’ve discovered that the Scots originally came from Ireland, spoke in Gaelic but wrote in ogham. We are now moving onto discovering where the Saxon kingdoms were and how they came into existence.

Science is focussed on ‘light’ this half term. We have discovered that light travels in straight lines and moves faster than sound. We will be working towards some experiments to determine how light reflects and enables us to see objects.

Furthermore, we have been studying the most recent census for information about the number of people who follow the Christian faith in Cornwall and the UK. We have also started to look at where Christians get their beliefs from and how it shapes their lives – few, what a lot of learning already! :)

Keep checking in with our page to find out the comings and goings of Pendower.


Key Information:

*PE is every Tuesday, and the children need to come in wearing suitable school PE kit for the weather.

*Maths homework is due to be completed for every Wednesday.

*Please keep listening to your child(ren) read everyday and help them to complete their reading record.

*School discos Thursday 28th September: KS1 3:15 – 4:15pm,  

KS2 4:30 – 5:30pm both discos are in the school hall.

*Individual photos with Tempest on Monday 9th October 2023.


Week ending 8th September 2023 


We trust that you have all had a restful summer holiday and are now ready for the coming academic year.

It has been a wonderful, warm first week back at Brunel Primary. Pendower are settling into their new classroom and are engaging with our exciting topic ‘Would you rather be a Saxon or a Viking?’ Alongside this, in Science, we will be learning about 'light' this half term. 

For a more detailed overview of what Year 6 will be learning this term, please take a look at the Knowledge Web document which can be found below.

We are both very much looking forward to sharing the teaching of Pendower Class this year, if you have any questions or queries please feel free to email either one of us on the following email addresses.

Mrs Cabello (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)

Mrs Morris (Wednesday and Thursday)

Keep watching our blog to discover all of the comings and goings of Year 6.

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