Class Blog for Seaton

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Week Ending 2nd February 2024 

Seaton have been busy this week getting to grips with our new topic What’s so special about clouds? Over the coming weeks, we will be discovering how the water cycle plays a part in cloud formation including living near the coast and rivers, the various types of clouds and how Saltash and the surrounding are compares to other areas of the UK, Europe and further afield.

We have been putting our electricity skills to the test this week. We are in the process of creating simple electronic games that test our maths skills. We are combining our DT knowledge with our science to make light-up boards that will show the correct answer to a given multiplication calculation. Watch this space for photos of our final work.

In our RE lessons, we have started to learn about the religion of Islam and how its core values unpin the lives of millions of believers around the world. We have been focussing on some of the key terminology round Islam and the importance of Mohammad. These lessons are also making us think about our own beliefs and what is important to us.

Another lesson that is challenging us to consider our opinions and views is PSHE. We have been fortunate to have had one visit already from Barnardo’s – the children’s charity – to discuss online safety, social media, peer interactions and mental health. We are looking forward to a second visit from them this coming week.


Key dates:

v  Here are a few reminders of events that are happening next week:

v  Tuesday 6th February - Safer Internet Day

v  Tuesday 6th February - Y6 to Saltash Comprehensive School to watch Oliver. All Y6 children will require a packed lunch. Please change your ParentPay selections ASAP. The kitchen will need to prepare packed lunches in advance.

v  Thursday 8th February - Chinese New Year lunch menu - please check selections on ParentPay.

v  Thursday 8th February - BFA 'Love Yourself Day' wear mufti and donate via ParentPay

v  Friday 9th February - Staff training day - School Closed to Children

v  Monday 12th February to Friday16th February - Half-term holiday

v  Monday 19th February - Back to school


Week ending 26th January 2024 

We have been sparking with energy over the past two weeks as we have developed our scientific knowledge of electricity. During our lessons we have conducted several experiments including exploring if the length of a wire has an impact on the amount of electricity that passes along it. We have had great fun creating and testing circuits with various components. In the weeks to come, we are look forward to using our knowledge in a practical application as part of our DT lessons. Stay tuned to find out more.

We have come to the end of our diary entries in English. Everyone has excelled themselves in their use of vocabulary, sentence structure and higher-level punctuation. This piece of work has been copied up into a ‘best version’ and included in each child’s independent writing folder. Already, they are feeling justifiably proud of the work that is complied in these folders and the children are starting to recognise that this is something to treasure in years to come.

As we head towards our new topic – What’s so special about clouds? our art lessons have taken on a dreamy, airy quality as the children get to grips with watercolour paint and attempt to recreate clouds in their sketch books. As you can imagine, this is quite a tricky task, but they are applying themselves and working hard to carefully analyse what clouds actually look like (and not just balls of cotton wool).

Please continue to encourage your child / children to read every day and to complete their reading record for you to sign. Don’t forget, maths homework is due:

·    Pendower class every Wednesday

·    Seaton class every Thursday. 


Spelling booklet 

Please find the new spelling booklet below. The first set of words will be tested at the end of next week (26.1.2024).
Children will bring home a new booklet with them this Friday. 

 Image Gallery



Week Ending 12th January 2024 

We have had a great start to 2024.

Everyone has returned with exciting tales of their Christmas holidays and time spent with family and friends. Now the exciting work of school commences once more.

We have kicked off the new calendar year with a unit of English based on the classic novel by C.S Lewis – The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. The children had an immersive experience in our Year 6 breakout room which had been magically transformed into the gateway to Narnia. This experience has fired our imaginations for our new block of writing, which is diary entries. Currently, we are getting to grips with parentheses, formal and informal language and tenses.

Our maths focus has been ratio, and the unit has gone really well for both groups. It has also been a pleasant change from fractions. There is a unit on decimals, percentages and fractions on the horizon, so please, please learn this half terms KIRFS as they are vital to this forthcoming unit.  

We are getting to grips with all things electrical in science. This week’s lesson saw us perfecting our understanding of drawing circuits using the appropriate symbols for the various components. We are looking forward to experimenting with various circuits in future lessons. Watch this space.

Our RE focal point for this term is Islam. We have begun by discovering what we already know or think we night know about this major world religion. We have also discussed what we would like to find out and we will be comparing it to other faiths to see how it is similar and also very different.

Between 17th and 31st January, Barnardo’s will be visiting our two Year 6 classes focussing on the topic - Safer Futures - as part of our  Healthy Relationships Programme (HRP). This programme is delivered by a facilitator who provides age appropriate, healthy relationship messages to the children and young people within schools. The programme covers topics such as:

v    Gender and stereotypes

v    Healthy Relationships

v    Power and control

v    Dealing with conflict

v    Online safety

v    Keeping our bodies safe

v    Safe and unsafe secrets

Please see the attached letter to parents and guardians for more information about these workshops. If you haver any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with a member of the Year 6 teaching team.


Key Information

  • PE remains on a Tuesday, so please ensure your child is wearing appropriate kit for this term’s lessons on dance.
  • Maths homework for Seaton Class is due in every Thursday.
  • Reading records are due in daily.
  • Spelling test is every Friday.

 Image Gallery



Happy Christmas! 

Merry Christmas everybody! I hope you all have a wonderful festive time with your families and enjoy the break. 

I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.

Miss Burton


Christmas Tree Festival 

Trees Galore!

Seaton enjoyed a rainy but wonderful trip to the Christmas Tree Festival at St. Nicholas and St. Faith Church. The trees were so pretty and imaginatively decorated. Most of the children were able to spot all of the items on the treasure hunt and enjoyed seeing the tree that was decorated by their very own school. We are all feeling festive now. 


Week Ending 1st December 2023 

Welcome to December! We have arrived at final month of the year and the last few weeks of term are set to be busy with lessons, the Christingle service and lots of festive activities.

We’ve thrown ourselves into our new piece of writing based on the traditional tale of Aladdin. Our own versions entitled ‘A Lad In Saltash‘ are well underway and the children are relishing retelling this story in the 21st Century. We’ll keep you update of our process as the last few weeks unfurl.

Our art lessons have been based on the beautifully detailed manuscripts of the past. We have been carefully illustrating our initial in a manner that would befit an ancient Anglo-Saxon text. We are justifiably proud of the work we have produced.

We have moved on from the early Anglo-Saxon era in history to the invasion of the Vikings. Our lesson this week saw us re-enacting the various struggles for power and rule in these lands over a thousand years ago. We had great fun recreating the battles, coronations, strategic marriages and deaths of the kings.

Next week we have Hunt the Issy, we are visiting the Christmas tree display in Saint Nicholas Church and practising our singing for the Christingle service. Watch your emails for all of the details about the festive events taking place.


Week Ending 17th November 2023. 

It’s been a week of weeks – Anti-bully Week, Maths Week and a superb visit from the Royal Institute.

Monday began with an exploration of triangles to start off our Maths’ Week activities. We learned how to tesselate triangles (design a pattern using small triangles) and also how to use triangles to create a 3-dimensional shape (tetrahedron). Our ideas developed as we problem solved.

We have finished writing our WWI poems based on sonnet form using the following the rules: focus on one emotion (fear, love, hope, despair etc), write in iambic pentameter (lines 1&3 rhyme, lines 2&4 rhyme, 5&7, 6&8 etc) and have 8 lines in total. We also started our poems with a rhetorical question - often based on the futility of war. They are incredibly powerful, and the children are justifiably proud of their work.

In art, we have been creating beautiful calligraphy surrounding a capital letter. Our inspiration has come from ancient Anglo-Saxon texts that were illustrated in this way.

Below is an attachment to the weekly spelling booklet that comes home with your child. Spellings are tested every Friday. This week, we are learning the following words: direction, explanation, competition, cautious, especially, appreciate, ancient, delicious, infection, spacious.

 Image Gallery



Week Ending 10th November 2023 

Remembrance Week. 

We started the week with a weird, witchy brew and ended it with a very poignant Remembrance Assembly, with a cinema trip and lots of lovely lessons in between.

Monday saw Seaton perform their poems based on the famous three witches in MacBeth ‘Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and caldron bubble.’ This spooky spectacular was acted out amidst a sinister backdrop which added drama and atmosphere to Seaton’s already imaginative and  unnerving verses.

For the remainder of the week, Year 6 have been learning about the significance of Remembrance Day, its origins and how The Great War impacted so many lives.

This coming week, the children will be studying WWI poetry in order to create their own which will be part of an academy wide project that will take place later in 2024. We were privileged to participate in a Remembrance assembly where Mr Parry played his bagpipes and Mrs Newman’s husband and father came to speak to the school and lead the service.

Maths has seen us working on our fraction skills. We have been grappling with equivalent fractions, fractions on a number line and converting between improper and mixed number fractions. There’s still plenty of fraction work still to come, so making sure the weekly homework is completed for Wednesday will really help with these lessons.

We have been amateur historians this week as we delved into the mysteries and wonders of Sutton Hoo. This Anglo-Saxon burial ground in Suffolk has provided us with a wealth of information about this time period in our nation’s history. The children were intrigued to discover the priceless treasures buried in the largest mound within a full-sized ship and why the remains of a body wasn’t found there.

There’s lots more going on next week including maths week, anti-bully week, the visit from the Royal Institute, the BFA quiz night and Children in Need! 


Week Ending 3rd November 2023 

It’s fair to say that the whole of Upper Key Stage 2 have had a super first week back starting with making wickedly, weird witches brew in literacy lessons and ending their week with the spectacle that was Viking Day.

Using MacBeth’s 3 witches as inspiration, the children have created their own poem based on the gruesome ingredients that might go into a bubbling cauldron. Ask to see your child’s version at next week’s Parent and Teacher meetings; be warned, some of them are stomach churning.

Pupils (and parents) outdid themselves with the costumes that were on display on Thursday for Viking Day. The children looked amazing if slightly intimidating!

We all had a brilliant day completing a range of activities such as: weaving, drawing detailed pictures of Viking longboats, learning how to be effective raiders and traders and understanding ancient runes.

Sprinkle in a smattering of maths, reading, science, PE and French and you’ve got yourself a jampacked week :)


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